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Order the cabinets Maire Kondo style

29 september 2020

Japanese author and entrepreneur Marie Kondo has become a real bestseller. Her success lies in the "art of organisation", which is related to the home. Katazuke is thus the Japanese buzzword for order and cleanliness in the home, which, in the long run, conveys a generalised sense of well-being in life. Kondo herself claims to have arrived at a kind of nirvana as a university student, as a method of coping with the pressure of exams by tidying up shelves of friends and family. She decided to turn this obsession into her passion by finally conceiving the so-called "KonMari method".

Now you too can emulate the famous Marie Kondo and put her "magic of order" into practice, as one of her most successful books says. Enjoy tidying up your home as a family, starting with sorting the clothes in your wardrobe by category. Besides, seeing clothes one by one (with the help of your relatives, or some friend), you will also be able to get rid of those you are not going to use anymore. If they are in good condition, you can take the opportunity to donate them. By doing everything at once, you solve two problems at once.

Among our Brycus tips, we can't help but remind you to look at all the places in the house where you keep clothes: chests of drawers or boots. Take everything out and get into the mess by classifying your clothes according to types of clothing, i.e. jumpers with jumpers, trousers with trousers, socks with socks... Of course, this also includes bed and bath linen, such as blankets and towels. Also, as you probably don't know if you want to keep them or not, Marie Kondo advises you to make three little piles: the set of what you are going to keep, what you are going to throw away and the other one you think you can give a second life by fixing it, maybe.

Then, focus all your attention again on that last pile. Are you really going to take time to make the arrangements? Make up your mind: do you throw it away or not? Once you know what you're getting, start decisively with the bigger clothes. Then, get to work with your everyday clothes and, finally, do the same with the secondary clothes (lingerie, shoes or accessories). Also, one of the Brycus essential tips is that once you start, don't stop. Carry out your mission in one go, with no room for discouragement. By the way, visit our section on Ordering and Furniture. I'm sure it will be a great help to you.

Order the cabinets Maire Kondo style

In short, enjoy your home in a tidy family, especially with small children, sorting your clothes by colour. Start with the darkest shades and continue with the lightest ones. Thus, the darkest and heaviest clothes are placed on the left and, as the colour is lowered, they are placed on the right. In this way, the feeling of order will be greater and it will also be easier for you to find anything you are looking for. Another of the main features of the Kondo method is the three-part fold of the garment, so you won't mess up any other parts when you take it out.

Remember: put more handy those garments that you use more often. Your best allies will be hangers. Visit our section of Arrangement and Furniture. Here you will find a few accessories of this type. Also, if you have little space, you can store bags inside others, for example, to make the most of small spaces. Don't you have any more room in your wardrobe? Don't despair. The suitcases or boots have come to help you.

When it comes to day-to-day life, think every night about what you will wear the next morning. This way you will avoid unnecessary piles of clothes. And for those small accessories that you don't know where to store (such as necklaces), find a hole in the doors themselves. Another basic tip is to store your shoes in boxes (you can reuse the ones that came with them). Get used to name tags. By following these routines, you'll achieve total relaxation in your home.

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